SATURDAY 4 JUNE10.00 a.m. Rabita and Fonteta guided tour11.30 a.m. Castle guided tour SATURDAY 11 JUNE10:00 a.m. Guided route9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Castle guided tour SATURDAY 18 JUNE9.30 a.m. Guided route9.15 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Rabita...
More infoGuided tours May 2022
SATURDAY 7 MAY10.30 a.m. and 12 noon Rabita and Fonteta guided tour11.30 a.m. Castle guided tour SATURDAY 14 MAY10:00 a.m. Route 4 + Rabita and Fonteta10.30 a.m. and 12.30 p.m. Rabita and Fonteta guided tour11:30 a.m. Castle guided...
More infoGuardamar Half Marathon 2022
‘Dama de Guardamar’ 4th Half Marathon and 1st 10K Sunday, 8th May at 9:30 a.m.Start and finish at Avenue Cervantes (next to Red Cross). More information...
More info18th Nyora and King Prawn Cuisine Week
Guardamar del Segura and its restaurants are back with the 18th ‘Nyora’ [sweet dried red pepper] and King Prawn Cuisine Week. This gastronomic week has become a highly prestigious benchmark for Valencian, Spanish and European cuisine. There are...
More infoGuided tours April 2022
SATURDAY 9 APRIL 10 a.m. Route 4 + Rábita and Fonteta SATURDAY 16 APRIL 10:30 a.m. Route 5 + Castle 12 noon Guided tours Rábita and Fonteta 12:30 p.m. Castle guided tour SATURDAY 23 APRIL 10 a.m. Route 4 + Rábita and Fonteta SATURDAY 30...
More infoHoly Week and Easter 2022
Holy Week and Easter Programme of events Guardamar 2022 FROM 11TH TO 13TH OF MARCH: VENERATION of the Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno. All day and during the opening hours of the church, the image of Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno will remain...
More info